Kings of Israel



PROPHETS                                                               PROPHETS
OF JUDAH    KINGS OF JUDAH                      KINGS OF ISRAEL        OF ISRAEL
                       Reigned B.C.   1 Kings   B.C.    Reigned
Shemaiah Rehoboam [17 years] 975 14.20,21 975 Jeroboam [22years] The man of Iddo Abijam [3 years] 958 15.1 God from Azariah, Asa [41 years] 955 -- 9 Judah son of Ahijah Oded -- 25 954 Nadab [2 years] Hanani -- 33 953 Baasha [24 years] 16.8 930 Elah [2 years] -- 10 929 Zimri [7 days] -- 16 929 Omri [12 years] Elijah Jehu, son -- 29 918 Ahab [22 years] Micah, son of Hanani Jehoshaphat [25years] 914 22.41 of Imlah -- 52 897 Ahaziah [2 years] Elisha Jahaziel, 2 Kings the Levite 3.1 896 Joram [12 years] Eliezer, Jehoram [8 years] 892 8.16 son of Ahaziah [1 year] 885 -- 25 Dodavah Athaliah 884 10.36 884 Jehu [28 years] Zechariah Jehoash [40 years] 878 12.1 son of 13.1 856 Jehoahaz[17 years] Jonah Jehoiada -- 10 841 Jehoash [16 years] Un-named Amaziah [29 years] 839 14.1 prophet -- 23 825 Jeroboam [41 years] Hosea (2 Chron. 784 Interregnum [11 years] Amos 25.15) 773 Zachariah Zechariah Uzziah, or [52 years] 810 -- 21 [6 months] (2 Chron. Azariah 15.8 772 Shallum [1 month] 26.5) -- 13 772 Menahem [10 Years] -- 17 761 Pekahiah [2 years] -- 23 759 Pekah [20 years] Isaiah -- 27 Oded Micah Jotham [16 years] 758 -- 32 739 (Anarchy of 9 Years) (2Chron. Ahaz [16 years] 742 16.1 730 Hoshea [9 years] 28.9) Nahum Hezekiah [29 years] 727 18.1 721 Shalmaneser, king of Assyria. Puts an end to the kingdom of Israel by Joel Manasseh [55 years] 698 21.1 taking Samaria, in the ninth year of Amon [2 years] 643 -- 19 Hoshea, and carries away the people Jeremiah Josiah [31 years] 641 22.1 to Assyria. ------------------------ Habakkuk Jehoahaz [3 months] 610 23.31 THE CAPTIVITY Zephaniah Jehoiakim [11 years] 610 -- 36 606 Nebuchadnezzar reigns, at first con- Ezekiel Jehoiachin, or Jeconiah jointly with Nabopolassar -- and Daniel [3 months, 10 days] 599 24.8 carries away the Jews to Babylon. Obadiah -- 1 The 'times of the Gentiles' com- Zedekiah [11 Years] 599 -- 18 mence. Beginning of the 70 years' cap- tivity in Babylon. Jerusalem taken; de- 588 25. 604 Nebuchadnezzar reigns alone. struction of the temple 588 Nebuchadnezzar completely destroys Jerusalem, city and temple. ----------------------- GOVERNORS OF JERUSALEM 538 Cyrus, King of Persia. captures Bab- AFTER THE CAPTIVITY ylon: Reign of Darius the Mede. Dan. 5.31. Haggai Zerubbabel 536 Ezra 1.11 Zechariah Ezra 468 -- 7.1 536 Cyrus reigns there, and in the first Malachi Nehemiah 455 Neh. 1.1 year of his reign decrees a party un- der Zerubbabel to go and rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. (End of cap- tivity of 70 years.) Ezra 1.8-10. Birth of the MESSIAH 5 529 Cambyses (son of cyrus) (called Ahasuerus). Ezra 4.6. 522 Smerdis (called Artaxerxes). Ezra 4.7. 521 Darius Hystaspes (called Darius). Ezra 4.24; Hag. 1.1; Zech. 1.1. 485 Xerxes (son of Darius Hystaspes) (called Ahasuerus). Esther 1.1. 474 Artaxerxes I, Longimanus (son of Xerxes) (called Artaxerxes). Ezra 7; Neh 2. 468 Return of Ezra from Babylon. 455 This twentieth year of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) when the order was given through Nehemiah to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, is the starting-point of the 'seventy weeks' of Dan. 9. Neh. 2.1.